
Skilled Veterinary Surgical Services
The surgical team at Del Mar Veterinary Hospital takes great pride in setting high standards in surgical care. Our team is equipped to perform both routine and complex surgical procedures and we have a network of surgical specialists when the need arises.
Your pet's safety is of the utmost importance to us. We recommend a variety of lab work prior to a surgical procedure to lessen the risk factors associated with anesthesia and guide our team in monitoring your pet closely. Your care team may also recommend additional diagnostics like ultrasound or x-ray to further guide your pet's procedure safely.
Common Surgeries at Our Veterinary Hospital Include:
- Spaying and neutering
- Foreign body removal
- Laceration repairs
- Mass removal
- Cystotomy
- LOVE Spays (Laparoscopic ovariohysterectomies)
We also work with experienced mobile board-certified surgeon, Dr. Seth Ganz of Agile Veterinary Surgery on complex surgical procedures such as:
- ACL repairs
- Perineal Urethrostomy
- Brachycephalic airway surgery